2025 pre-order requests now open

(Note all prices are 2024 prices)

Please carefully fill up the form below, Please pay via bank transfer to the nominated account and Please enter payment details in this form below before submitting

  • $385 per share of Beef (min. two year old with two adult teeth)
  • $330 per Lamb (Large Lamb 20- 25kg carcass weight similar in size/weight to hoggets. Unfortunately this year we are unable to offer Hoggets one year old yearling lamb with two teeth is called Hogget in Australia)

All meat will be cut up in curry pieces and delivered to pickup point you select in the form below. Note the default pickup point is PGCC (9 Green St, Doveton). Account Details for payment given below:

Bank details for payment by bank transfer:

A/C Name: Western Sports Pty Ltd.

BSB: 013-271 Account No: 472395338

Please fill all the required fields. Once you submit the form you will receive an acknowledgement confirming your order details. If you are experiencing any issues please contact Arshad or email us on Qurbani.Vic@gmail.com

To receive timely updates on your Qurbani and pickup times please join the Melbourne Qurbani WhatsApp Community group below


Our Qurban process Insha’Allah, meets the fiqh and the halal slaughter requirements. Our Qurbani animals will in’shah’Allah have a minimum of two permanent teeth for the beef, which is two years old or over for cattle. For Lamb, while we are unable to offer hoggets, all animals will be similar in size and weight to one year old, two teeth hoggets (20 -25kg carcass weight). See additional qurbani notes below for further details.

Additional Qurbani Notes:


Al’ham’du’lillah we are once again arranging the Qurbani for the community locally in Melbourne. Here are some additional notes for qurban requirements for your reference. Our qurbani animals meet the minimum age requirements for Qurbani and are therefore usually larger and heavier in weight than the young lambs and beef cattle what is usually slaughtered for the butcher shops locally. Standard Fiqh requirements for Qurbani dictate that animals need to be minimum two teeth, which is two years and over for cattle and one year and over for goats and sheep (technically, by definition, when a baby lamb gets its two front permanent teeth it is no longer called a lamb and is now called a hogget in Australia or a yearling lamb. For ). Stocks of suitable two teeth animals for Qurbani are limited. Please complete your form early, if you have not already done so. Please email, message or call for queries or clarifications. Hadiya for this years qurbani are set as follows:

  • Beef $385 per share (carcass weight range this year is expected to be 210 to 220 kg per animal, this is to be divided into 7 shares)
  • Lamb $330 ( all lamb will be similar in size to two teeth hogget with an expected carcass weight range of 20 to 25 kg)

After completion of all our Qurbani we check with the abbatoir and advise you the value of the skin and any other recoverable byproducts left at the abattoir. We recommend to fully complete your Qurbani please donate this value or equivalent to the poor or to charity of your choice as sadaqa. In the past this has varied between $5 to $10 per share.

Additional Notes:

A beef share is 1/7th portion of a cattle. The cattle should be minimum 2 years of age or with at least two permanent front incisor teeth. For Goat/ lamb/ Sheep it is one whole animal per name. The goat or lamb should be minimum one year old or with two permanent front incisor teeth. Al’ham’du’lillah this year we are sourcing yearling lamb which are similar in size/ weight to the two teeth ‘hogget’. Hoggets are grown lamb with minimum two permanent front incisors, so called “two teeth”. The requirements for Qurban are that each animal for Qurban needs to be healthy, free from any obvious deformities or defects with no missing limbs, broken horns, or blind in the eye. In addition, as mentioned earlier, they need to have at least two permanent front incisor teeth (as as sign of minimum age which is 2 years for cattle and one year old for lamb as mentioned before. However a grown lamb which is large and indistinguishable in size and appearance to normal one year old sheep may be offered if two teeth animal are not available). Qurban is due on all balegh Muslims (Muslim past the age of  puberty), who have nisab amount of wealth on any one or all of the three days of Eid ul Adha.  It is not due on any of his/ her dependents or children below the age of puberty (na’balegh children) but it is permissible if one is capable and desires to offer it.  It is also permissible to offer Qurban in name of deceased persons including parents and even in the name of Rasul’Allah (peace be upon him) if one wishes. It is not permissible to do Qurbani for other living persons, who are not your dependents, without their consent.  Please clarify any questions you have on the fiqh of Qurbani with a religious scholar. Any fiqh questions/ clarifications posed to us including the ones above have been clarified by our local scholars.

Don’t forget to press submit after you have entered all details.

We are also arranging qurban overseas in Bangladesh, particualrly for the Rohinga Muslims Refugees in Bangladesh. Hadiya for 2024 was $170 per share. you can contact me or place your order from this link https://tinyurl.com/BWAOverseas-Qurbani and send me an email on qurbani.vic@gmail.com

Mufti Zeeyad Ravat on Qurbani for more details on the Fiqh of Qurbani:


May Allah swt accept your sacrifice and each of our efforts and make it a means of His forgiveness and mercy. Ameen